Health Talks for Local Business
We are proud to offer your business a chance to improve the health of your employees!
Cramlington Chiropractic’s company workshops and presentations provide your staff the knowledge and skills to help make their work environment maintain a positive influence on their health.
Providing a safe work environment for your employees is paramount – add to that a focus on staff health and you can set yourselves apart from other local businesses.
Dr James O’Malley (Chiropractor) can tailor a business package to suit your needs. Ranging from all staff talks, slide show presentations, Q&A sessions and one-on-one workshops, Cramlington Chiropractic can set things straight for all spine-related benefits in your workplace.
These include ergonomic workstation assessment and advice (computer, chair and desk), correct lifting techniques to maintain the healthy low back and neck, and general advice in respect to maintaining a healthy spine long-term.
Company staff who attended recent sessions rated the experience 8/10.
Organising YOUR Company’s Introduction to Chiropractic Care
Workshops can be held anytime of the year – you can even tie these into community health focuses such as back awareness or spinal awareness weeks, or make them part of an annual event you already hold.
They’re fun, informative and best of all – they are designed to make work life, a healthy life!
If you would like to find out more about Chiropractic care for your businesses call or email us today.